Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's Handled: Frito Lay Has All of their Bases Covered on Traditional & New Media

You know that infamous saying “out with the old and in with the new?” well from the looks of it, Frito Lay is not following that ideology in their marketing and PR practices. When it comes to the traditional and new media relations, Frito Lay is making sure all of their bases are covered. Not only do they have official accounts created for all of the go to “social media hangouts,” but they are pretty active on them too.

As involved as they are with social community spaces like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, they still make sure to engage in the traditional media methods. In Social Media News Release: An Overdue Facelift, Breckenridge talks about how a news release still holds value because it gives journalists the “who, what, when, where, and why” of a story, (Ch. 7). For journalists, finding a well-written press release—inverted pyramid style, is music to their ears. On their website under the About Us tab, Frito Lay has a whole press release archive that is organized by year and dates all the way back to 2000! Whether you’re a Stockholder, Journalist, or PR professional, you can easily find detailed information on what Frito Lay has accomplished in the last decade. Fast-forward to the present day and the Frito Lay brand is all over the timelines, walls, message boards, picture boards, and blogs, and anything else that’s social and #hip.

Note: If anything that I listed in the previous sentence went over your head, then that means you have not been fully sucked into the digital social world. You actually just might still be (dare I say it) living somewhat of normal life, kudos to you!

However, if you did understand everything that I mentioned (including the hash tag) then you are a bona fide “new media” expert, whether you proudly claim it or not. After completing my Social Media Audit on Frito Lay, I found that they either participate or get referenced on every relevant social media site out. On Twitter they’re constantly tweeting a bit ly short link on how to enter an ongoing sweepstakes or using fun hash tags like #ThrowbackThursday and #FritoGameTrivia. 

While they don’t have a Tumblr page, there is a page dedicated to all Frito Lay tagged photos. A person can follow that particular feed and look at what other consumers are posting about the brand. On Pinterest and Instagram the photos posted are either sharing valuable content on recipes or displaying their funny sense of humor with one-line phrases. 

Facebook is definitely where Frito Lay excels the most in their new media marketing. In Chapter 2, Rose and Tanton gives a breakdown of what valuable content is, saying that it should be useful, focused, clear and compelling, high quality, and genuine, (Pg. 24).  They encourage conversations through trivia-like questions, directly answer consumer’s personal questions, and post visual reminders about their contests and free prizes to over two million fans.

Everything that Frito Lay posts on social media is fun and unpredictable, it feels like one big party. The headline on their Facebook page is “Get Tailgate Ready with Frito-Lay” and one of their posts I about how the brand loves to sing in the rain (if it’s raining potato chips, of course). There’s a very upbeat and positive vibe that comes through on all of their content, which is what their target audience likes. Where the media relations’ strategy can be improved is on Twitter. While they are active on the site, they don’t really engage with their followers or mention them. It would also be great if they did more twitter related contests i.e. Tweet your best snack photo or your best Chester the Cheetah joke and win your favorite snack for a year.

But all in all, Frito Lay is doing a fantastic job at posting valuable content on ALL social media sites (not just one or two of them), while maintaining their true brand personality. I think Chester would approve.

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